My doctor wants me to do whaa-a-at?!?


7 Years
Jun 5, 2015
I've been very ill since March of this year. The doctors have been scratching their heads, but we think we've found out the cause, which is toxicity from a medication I've been on for 20 years.

One of the secondary effects, according to them, is histoplasmosis, a disease caught from chicken coops because of my impaired immunity. I was advised to get rid of my chickens immediately.

I haven't, and it has yet to be seen that I will. First, the test result is marginal. If a retest shows a strong positive then I'll think about it. I'm pretty much on in my years, and want to continue to treasure the things that give me pleasure; re: my chickens. I've spent years getting my flocks to where the are and it's only been a short time since I accomplished it. I persisted despite tornados wiping out brooder chicks, diseases, and any number of predators. I have nine breeds, none of which are ordinary.

I'm putting to test a long-held belief of mine, that, as to my life, I prefer quality over quality. It may be that when the rest of this drug gets out of my system everything will be okay. We'll see.

In the meantime I'm going to enjoy my life as much as I'm able with this, and that means my chickens are staying put!
Sorry to hear that it's happened to you. I read the side effect's about drugs that companies put out, and those list's are way too long! It's seem's that to take a med to get rid of one thing, it's a possibility that the drug will give you 50 other thing's to replace it! Thank's, but no thank's I say to that!
I am so sorry to hear you are sick! :hugs When it comes to life, the ball is in your court. Its your journey and you owe it to yourself to find all the joy possible in life. If your birds bring you peace of mind, warm your soul, make life worth living, then keeping them is what you should do for yourself. Its not the quantity of time, it's the quality. If I were in your position, I wouldn't give up my birds either. :hugs
Good for you, hang in there. I have asthma, and every doctor I've been to for it tells me I should get rid of my dogs and cats, and quit my job (as a dog groomer). My response, if those are the source of my problems, how come I can go for years doing this and not have an attack? No way I am ever going to live life without my pets. It would be pointless then. I hope you find that you can keep your chickens, too.
So sorry to hear what you're going through but I absolutely support your right to decide what your life will be!

Can someone else do the work that requires close proximity to the chickens while you work those drugs out of your system? Keeping distance should give you some indication that having or not having chickens is the best idea for you.

Meanwhile, living life on your own terms is an important part of being an autonomous individual so long as you're open-eyed about the potential consequences you're also accepting.

Best wishes to you while you work this out and fingers crossed that you get the outcome that makes you happy!!!!!!!
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