My dog got ahold of my chicken, she's alive....


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
but she's breathing out of her mouth and kind of stumbling. I don't see any external wounds... she didn't mind her wings being pulled out to see if there was a wound... could she just be stunned? This is my first set of chickens and I don't want her to suffer and wasn't sure how internal injuries are with chickens... she did poop a little.. it wasn't a lot but then I don't know if she hadn't ate... what should I be looking for? I put her back in the crate/pen I have for them... they are only about 10 or 11 weeks old...
If she is very bad off, then you should probably take her away from the other chicks because they could kill her. It is possible that she is stunned, but the dog might have also pinched or broke something inside of her. I would defiantly watch her for a while to see if shes OK. I hope she lives! I will pray for her!! My dogs tend to do that sometimes too
Thanks! The others seem ok with her and she's been both laying down and walking around a bit...She looks "stunned" I would say... What's a time frame to watch for if there is possibly something internal?
I put the others outside and she was down on the floor, checked on her a few mins ago and she was up on one of the boards roosting... hope that's a good sign....
Thats a great sign! Shes moving around and sounds like she can still flap her wings to fly up on the roosts!! Hopefully she doesn't fall though.. She should be fine. If she was very unstable, she would have stayed on the ground.

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