My dog got in a fight, debating if vet is necessary


Chicken Lover, Duck Therapist
6 Years
Mar 11, 2017
South Park, Colorado, USA
My dog and my roommate's dog got in a fight. My roommate and my dog both sustained a few puncture wounds which we washed up and put triple antibiotic ointment on. No one needs stitches, both dogs and people involved are relatively ok. Since it is a bite wound would you get antibiotics from the vet? I know bites are prone to infection. Would you just watch it and wait and see? I know the dogs could have more punctures we cannot see under all that fur, I just can't decide if a vet visit is warranted as there is not much bleeding and dogs seem ok. My roommates wounds are easier to keep an eye on obviously, he is marginally less hairy than the dogs ;)
Hi sorry to hear your sad news. So far, you have done the best you can, just keep
an eye out, if there are any changes with the dogs. If you have any concerns then time for the vet. Sounds as if they will be fine. :frow
Hi sorry to hear your sad news. So far, you have done the best you can, just keep
an eye out, if there are any changes with the dogs. If you have any concerns then time for the vet. Sounds as if they will be fine. :frow

Thanks. I hope all will be fine. My roommate is actively looking for a new place to live already, so fortunately no drama there and its not gonna ruin our friendship or anything. There's a little swelling this morning and expect my dog to be a bit sore, but really things could have easily been much much worse.
Use saline solution to flush the wounds a couple of times a day. If they're really furry you should shave around the wounds to keep them cleaner. Dirt sticks to fur and could dirty up the wounds. Keep an eye on them other than that. I've seen many puncture wounds on dogs (between professionally training, managing a kennel/doggy daycare, and my own 4) and this regimen tends to work well. I'm not a fan of giving antibiotics unless there's an actual infection.
Puncture wounds can be tricky since it's hard to tell exactly what the damage, if any, could be. My local vet recommends being seen for any puncture wounds so they can make a professional determination from there.
Glad everyone is ok
Puncture wounds can be tricky since it's hard to tell exactly what the damage, if any, could be. My local vet recommends being seen for any puncture wounds so they can make a professional determination from there.
Glad everyone is ok

I know. My other dog had an unnoticed puncture years ago and I was oblivious until it abscessed and was draining. :sick I know there can be more tissue damage underneath because dogs tend to bite and shake. Fortunately the dogs are about the same weight so it's not a matter of a big dog wrecking a little dog.
I'd just treate it yourself unless you see signs of infection, like cloudy looking liquid coming from it. A dog my nana had got a puncture wound from a stray. She treated it herself but still had to be told to take the dog to.a vet by another person when it got infected (she didnt realize it was)
Make sure the wound heals from the inside out. You can flush the wounds with peroxide and put in an antibiotic ointment. The dog should be OK. Just watch for fever or other signs of infection.

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