My Dog Had A Seizure. Please Help!

Alexandra Runner

Jun 26, 2023
I know this is technically a chicken site, but I don't know what else to do. My dog, Australian Labradoodle 12 years old, had a couple of seizures last night. She's acting like she's feeling fine this morning, but the vet isn't open for a while because its a Saturday.

What can I do to help her? I don't know what caused the seizures. Is there anything I can do to keep it from happening again?
If your dear pet seems ok, that is pee, poop and appetite normal then I would take them to the vet as soon as possible. It’s important to know what type of seizure. Try to determine if they ate something to cause the seizures. If they have another seizure today or tomorrow you should check if there is an emergency veterinary clinic you can take them too. Small, recurring seizures could be a sign of epilepsy that is easily treatable. I hope this is helpful. My sweet Chloe has had 2 seizures months apart. They were unmistakably grand mal seizures. Scary. But she’s fine.
@Alexandra Runner, unfortunately, my news is not good, re: Mara and her seizures. She was fine afterward, but then had another. Fine, then had another.

About 2 weeks after the first one, she wasn't fine anymore, and we had to put her down. She couldn't walk, couldn't see, was unaware of her surroundings. It was heartbreaking.

I hope that your girl is fine, and that that was a one-off event. Sending positive waves and hugs.
Thank you so much for your responses! ❤ We just got back from the vet; he said she has a gallbladder blockage, and we should give her Pedialyte in her drinking water for at least a week. It was caused by some feathers from a cat-kilked bird (not a chicken) in our backyard that had gone rancid. I'm so grateful to know a cause, and what we can do to remedy the problem. Thank you again! (Phoebe is still acting normal!)
Thank you so much for your responses! ❤ We just got back from the vet; he said she has a gallbladder blockage, and we should give her Pedialyte in her drinking water for at least a week. It was caused by some feathers from a cat-kilked bird (not a chicken) in our backyard that had gone rancid. I'm so grateful to know a cause, and what we can do to remedy the problem. Thank you again! (Phoebe is still acting normal!)
So glad it’s not too serious. Dogs and chickens are notorious for gobbling up icky things like dead birds, small snakes and the dreaded toads. Not to mention bunny and bird poo. Lol!

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