My dog has started eating the eggs out of the nest

I have the same problem. My dogs have a coop but are allowed to roam the yard they share with the dogs. I have nest boxes but they prefer to lay outside the coop under bushes, behind trees, and just out in the open. I tried injecting 6 eggs with vinegar and pepper. She ate 5 of them and 1 new egg she found. Today i will try cayenne. If not i'll have to go try that bitter apple stuff. If that doesnt work i guess i have to do some yard rearranging.
My dog will eat them too-the whole thing -shell and all--he has eaten a dozen before a couple times. I have a springer spaniel so I just make sure the little door is open that the chickens go in and out of and leave the big coop door shut to keep it from happening. I don't know how big your dog is-maybe you can try a smaller door or make a smaller door in your big door. IDK But I am sure everyone is right-there is no stopping it.

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