My dog killed my chicks

We have a 10 year old boxer who was about 8 when we got our first round of chicks. He put one in his mouth one time...I think just to walk around with her. They all lay around the yard together. We just got a boxer mix amd he has to have a training collar on while he is outside and they are free ranging. He has picked up a few, bit seems to be learning quickly on the vibrate setting.
We have a 10 year old boxer who was about 8 when we got our first round of chicks. He put one in his mouth one time...I think just to walk around with her. They all lay around the yard together. We just got a boxer mix amd he has to have a training collar on while he is outside and they are free ranging. He has picked up a few, bit seems to be learning quickly on the vibrate setting.

I'm finding that too, I've only had to shock him once. that was after he jumped 6' fence and I didn't want him getting out of range before I could get him...So far he's never touched a duck or chicken with his mouth, just runs at them wanting to play and I know this because when he does it with the cooped roosters, he tucks tail and runs when they stand up to him...We truly believe he has no bad intentions as he could easily catch the ducks if he wanted to, he just wants to play but he's too big and still a puppy...
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So far so good with the new chicks. Albert, the Doxie, is on lock down and the chicks are up high in case he escapes. Plus a baby gate is blocking the room off. I also put heavier grade hardware fabric over their box. I am not underestimating this dog again.
I'll be glad when I get these cuties can go in their coop.
My husbands outdoor dog, a Jack Russel Terrier, after 4 years of living peacefully with the birds decided this year to kill one of my hand raised pullets that I hatched. She was probably about 2 months old. My husband shot him before I even found out what happened... I was in the house giving my shih tzu a bath. The shih tzu is scared to death of the chickens ever since one of them gave him a good peck on the nose. I always knew the Jack Russel had it in him and I always told my hubby that it's gonna happen one day. Oh well... things are much quieter and more peaceful now. I did lose a hen recently to an owl (I think), but I guess that's the price you pay when you free range your layers
Today, my husky decided she was hungry for an Easter Egger chick. She busted the garage door open. I guess the chicks had escaped their brooder, but the lid (a window screen) was still closed, so I'm not really sure how they did it. The EE's are all 8 weeks old, but cannot go out into the new coop yet, it is not finished. Sitka (the husky) is a predator dog who chases and stalks almost everything, but she never went after the chicks, so I hadn't thought this would happen. She was a dark golden yellow with brown speckles. R.I.P little baby, we miss you already.
I have a sheltie that loves chicks, she's laying by the brooder with her nose touching the plastic as I type this. She hates chickens but loves to herd them around the yard, my last meat birds followed her around like she was their mama. My english setter is interested in the chicks, but they don't smell like quail so he leaves them alone, he does walk over to the brooder and sniff every now and then to make sure that hasn't changed. I have a miniature dachshund that I would never trust alone with small chickens or chicks, she has killed month old pullets before. I did not get mad at her, just myself for leaving her unattended. She is deathly afraid of the big chickens, especially the rooster, if he is in the yard she won't even leave the back porch.
I have a puggle (pug/beagle) and a black lab mix. Beagle looks at them like dinner but mostly ignores them and my lab is slightly afraid of them. We have pictures of the baby chickens climbing all over the lab, she just hides.
I have a Shih Tzu that was very interested in them until one of my big girls pecked him right on the nose. Now he avoids them at all costs... he is even afraid of the chicks now lol.

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