My drake lost his wings?


8 Years
May 30, 2011
San Clemente
Hey guys, I haven't been on this site in a longgg time!

Anywho, I have two drakes I have as pets. One is a Cayuga and one is a Welshie. They both seem to be happy and healthy. They are about a year and 6 months old at this point. I went to feed my drakes one morning, and I noticed when I would pick up my cayuga, he wouldnt flap his wings. When I filled their pool, he finally did, but I realized his long feathers on his wings were gone! His wings look like a 2 month old's, little chicken wings that haven't grown the long feathers! Is this normal? I've never see this and my Welshie hasn't had this happen to him. It also doesnt look like they've been growing back. I am pretty sure my welshie didn't pull them out either. It looks like they just fell off or something.

Thanks for any comments.
Right about now is just around the right time to start moulting. He'll get new ones, but will look shabby for a long.
They don't moult in they're first year, so that's why it's new
Ahhh I didn't know that happened when they moult. Thanks :D

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