If ducks heal as fast and we'll as chickens do the duck should be ok. Keep the wound clean and use triple antibiotic (3A)ointment (not the the pain relief formula just the regular) to keep it moist. One of my younger pullets was pecked at in the back of the neck. It removed a whole clump of skin and feathers, so much that you could see the muscles and skeleton of the neck. I cleaned it out, pulled the skin back around the neck and put a couple sutures in to keep the skin in place as much as possible. I cleansed and 3A to the wound 3x daily for the first few days. When I noticed it started to heal well I backed down to twice a day until it was mostly healed then once daily until closed. Took about 2 to 3 weeks to fully heal, but she pulled through.
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YOU my dear, are one STRONG young lady!
You have proven perseverance beyond expectation.
You have been having to multi task and stay focused on instructions from @casportpony, @azygous.
While all us other peeps are cheering you on.
Clover is one very Lucky Duck.
Perhaps he might need a nickname after all of this. "Lucky Duck".
Stay focused, and stay strong, your doing a FANTASTIC job with your Clover.
If he could kiss and hug you, he would.
He is doing a bit better he just finished drinking and eating so that’s very good, he is wiggling his little tail and moving his head a lot more.
Keep him dry and keep him inside until your instructed otherwise.
You don't want flys or nats to touch his Boo Boo.
If you need specific questions answered, please do this to get continued medical care advice from casportpony, overo mara, azygous.
They are the ones that helped you last night.
All you need to do to contact them directly is to put an @ symbol in front of their name.
Like this:
@casportpony ect.
That will send them a specific request from you, that you need them.
One of them will help you.
Remember, not everyone is on line 24/7 so, it might take a little bit for a response. But, last night you and Lucky Duck Clover were very lucky to have a lot of peeps online to help you.
Good luck and I'll be watching on your progress throughout the night as I am a nurse and I'm going to work tonight.

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