My Duck is coughing

Probably best to feed mostly duck feed or something like flock raiser and go easy on the treats. Can you post some pictures of it's poop?

It might be learning to quack.
If you decide to use the Duramycin, here is some dosing info for you:

Please note that I am not suggesting that you use it, just that if you do you should use the proper dose.

its poop varies...sometimes it was like green slimy lookin...when it would eat spinach n greens..pretty much whatever i gave it is what the poop looked like...more or less...its poop is solid now...cuz i bought some duck feed...brownish...but sometimes it comes out white...and with bubbles..

Sounds pretty normal to me.
I would love to see some poop pictures from this duck.
One can tell so much about a birds health just by looking at it's poop.


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