my duck left how do i get her home plz help!!!

Sorry, just saw that you said you´d clipped her wings. In that case, I reckon she may have started a nest by the pond. Give her a little time, she´ll come out of it.

p.s. glad you have her back.
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Yes give her some space inside the coop to herself, she probably mated with the Scovy at the pond and feels alienated to the 2 at home now but unless your in the deep south I doubt she has started to nest yet, too early for that. She'll come round just give her time. And my Scovy's will put the younger drakes in their place too so her behavior isn't odd and they are having a go at each other too, it's all part of the hormone process.
hang in there.
Yes I clipped her wings. I am in florida,
Then might be a good idea to go ahead and give her some nesting space just for her, I just used a piece of plywood and secured it against the wall so it wouldn't fall on them, anything they can go into for privacy will help. They can get pretty ornery when hormones begin to flow. if you don't want duckling then just take the eggs every few days once she starts to lay that way you can leave a few but your keeping any from starting to grow. I had quite a few last year that brooded with out one egg under them. I have no more room for more ducks at present.
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Ther are the 2 neat spots in the cage and she use them last year when he Mated the Rouen , so I need to make another
Yes I clipped her wings. I am in florida,
Well if I´m right with what I said, you may just find she makes another nest (by her behaviour I´m sure she made a nest outside) in a quiet little spot in your place, seeing she can´t get back out again, and if she does, the eggs should be fertile if she lays soon. You may just get some ducklings, petsin!
Ther are the 2 neat spots in the cage and she use them last year when he Mated the Rouen , so I need to make another
Did you let her sit on the eggs that she laid after mating with the rouen?
Muscovies tend to like a place where they can have a hidey-hole. I have wooden orange boxes for my chickens to lay in and I put old t-shirts over the front with just a small gap so they feel hidden, and the ducks think that´s great!
The frist year she laid and hatched them. That was 3 years ago she has laid and sat without being able to hatch a thing
The frist year she laid and hatched them. That was 3 years ago she has laid and sat without being able to hatch a thing
Did you not keep any? I´m thinking about getting some mallard-types and letting them cross-breed with the muscovies here, that way they won´t keep increasing in number so much! I also think the crosses are very nice ducks.
Strange she hasn´t hatched anything. Do you know she has been actually mating with the rouen? Maybe she was saving herself for the right one to come along..? And he lives abroad! Just a holiday romance that came to an end, poor gal!

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