my duck left how do i get her home plz help!!!

Well tonight did not go well she was doing it again chasing and biting them I have now put her in the grage where she is now sleeping and peaceful and so r the other too
Those ducks! If I could just explain to our flock about getting along, and tell Mr. Bean not to be so insecure, and tell Acht and Zwei it is okay for Bean and Romy to mate, and and and.

Just sayin' you are right - duck relationships can get so messed up.

if only i was close i could of helped you cath them to where you live i could come catch both for you i have to help ducks on the side of the road that people drop of i have to get in the road and catch them i bring them home and let them live with my flock until i can re home them i do keep some but i m unable to keep them all
if only i was close i could of helped you cath them to where you live i could come catch both for you i have to help ducks on the side of the road that people drop of i have to get in the road and catch them i bring them home and let them live with my flock until i can re home them i do keep some but i m unable to keep them all
What a wonderful thing you do, bless you

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