My Duck was attacked..


In the Brooder
May 2, 2017
I already cleaned her with peroxide, applied vetericyn, and have some blu-kote. She is moving well. I just don't want to try and help her if it is going to be a slow death. I have a friend give me her advise, but would like a few more suggestions.. Thanks
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I've had chickens survive similar injuries. It's probably very painful, so I ground up some asprin and put it in their water(don't eat any of the eggs for a while). You need to clean the wound and cut any feathers that are in the way. Use tweesers to remove anything from the area. Do you have and antibiotic cream (like Neosporin) or antibiotic pills? Gently rub the area with the cream and if you have any banamine OR (not both) Baytril (or something like it), grind it up and put it in the water (again, DO NOT EAT ANY EGGS). I would put SaveAchick probiotics/electrolytes in her water. If she's pecking at her wounds, wrap it in guaze/vet wrap. Keep her inside and away from other animals. Give her plenty of food/water. Good luck!
This is the latest picture/ Both sides of her neck are detected exposing her flesh. Should I put her down?
That is a lot deeper than the first picture looked.... Puting her down might be the most humane. If you don't know how, there's lots of helpful threads on here that tell how to do it fast and humane

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