my ducks don't quack

By the head bobbing I have observed, it seems to be a communication thing. I have seen Khaki Campbells and muscovies do it.

Isn't there a thing ducks do with their heads when it's breeding season too? Some sort of flirting technique?
Someone vaguely mentioned this somewhere on BYC once...
Yes , it is a communication thing . Sometimes all four of them stand in a group and bob their little hearts out . I would be interested to know what they are communicating . Welshies , our ducks are completely free and they sometimes take flight and do a circuit of the house but never go further . We have to keep an eye out for hawks especially now that we have babies . There's a buzzard that passes over sometimes and last week it swooped down but our geese made such a racket that it quickly went up again .
Sometimes the drake does the head bob to impress his girls but it's not only that . The girls do it between themselves too
I have 4 Muscovy ducks. The head bobbing is a greeting and unlike most other breeds of ducks, they will wag their tails like a dog in excitement. I also have 2 Pekins and 2 khakis but my Muscovy are the more friendly. They have a personality all their own. They can be mischievous and nosey. It seems they must know what you are doing and then they want to do it too. I have one (Shermie a female) who comes to the front door, knocks, patiently waits for me to open the door then just comes right in for an afternoon nap with our old dog. Then she goes to the door and "pips" to be left back outside. Never pooping inside either. Great ducks! Our male "hisses" and coughs sounding like an old smoker. They aren't the prettiest ducks but I'm finding they are quiet, funny, great layers,good for insect control and just all around a perfect duck. I hope you enjoy yours as much as we do ours.

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