MY Ducks have Gape worm! HELP!

Well, MiMisPlace, good on ya!

Thanks. I am going to get some Ivermectin to have on hand. I saw that slugs and worms can carry gapeworms, and that the eggs can be picked up in the soil. So, I reckon we are at some risk here. Large or small risk, who knows? But such things often hit on a weekend or at night, when help cannot be easily found.
Not meant to be a high jack, but do not use ivermectin on collies or collie crosses. For some reason it can cause fatal consequences to these breeds.
Hi Everyone in BYC Land!

I have more info on what you can use Ivermectin 1% (oral) for..... The druggist gave me this information when I went to get me a bottle.

To worm people or kill headlice or any other parasite that sucks on peoples blood take 1/10th of a cc per 10 pounds of body weight! Follow up with a second dose in 7 days for any eggs that may have been missed, if taking for headlice. (It takes 7 days for eggs to hatch).

He told me he takes it regular (he was older than dirt, at least older than me:) on a regular basis. Also told me there was a elderly lady that took it once a month and had for years.

This info was to good not to pass on... Now if only I had asked about cats...(I have 8)

By the way my husband and I wormed all of my runners last night and I accidently OVERDOSED one of my black runner drakes! I was so worried. But hey he was fine this morning. They all were!
I even had 4 eggs.
I have 10 males and 10 females and some of the girls just started laying a couple of weeks ago. 4's the most I've gotten.

Once again THANKS everyone! If I find out any new info on this I'll let everyone know.


I found this wonderful website with all kinds of info on CATS! (I Love the internet!) You can use Ivermectin ON cats! There is all kinds of useful information on this site! I plan to add it to favorites! Also I plan on trying the Ivermectin on my oldest cat who's health is poor and I figure she' very wormy as I haven't wormed none of my cats in a long time. I know it sounds cold to do this to my oldest cat but she can't control her body functions, one eye has gone blind..... and if I lose a cat to this then I'm sure she would want to be the one to go because she has had a long and good life. (She's around 14 yrs old!) Only I really don't think I'll be hurting her only helping her!

Here's a link to the site... I urge everyone to check it out if you have cats!

I'll let everyone know how my Angel (her name) is doing tomorrow. I'm getting off of here and treating her immediatly! Besides I have some chores.....
I have to do.

Have a good day to all!
Thank you very much for that is great, very helpful and such detail!!!!
I only have 12 cats and one rotten house cat, so all this info is great, it costs a fortune to worm cats...
Thanks and I hope you get your ducks and chickens all wormed and well soon!
Hi folks the lady Son-Rise-Silkies was of immense help in my getting the Ivermectin facts! She even went so far as to find a pharmacy for me. She is a dear friend who lives close and helps me when I am in need!
She is very smart and knew and emailed me with all the facts at the same time as I was talking with the Dr. in Texas! I just want you to know Cheryl that I appreciate all the trouble you went to for me, but I also know that most people would want to know what a Dr./scientist, ect... had to say. So please don't feel slighted that I didn't put your input on here.

Your Friend Always!
Off Topic:
The general Rule with Ivermectin in dogs, "White Feet, Do Not treat"...course the Banfield vet clinic tried to kill my American Bulldog with the stuff for " demodectic mange" which turned out to be skin allergies.

Just realized they already told us. I should read all the posts before replying.... Lol
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No I didn't do the swab test.
Didn't see any need in doing it. They needed wormed anyway! Also if you look online you will find that ivermetin is used to cure mange. Your dog was probably sensitive. I was told less is best.
That it doesn't take much.
Hey I thought I'd post the fact that I gave my boxers a dose of Ivermectin yesterday for worms. (One drop on a piece of bread.) They acted a little sickly/cranky last night but are fine today!

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