MY Ducks have Gape worm! HELP!

I'm pretty sure it can be used on geese. I plan on using it on mine when they are a little older. (Mine are only about 3 weeks old.) He said waterfowl, chickens, dogs. The pharmist said people, and the web site I found said cats.
Personally I consider ducks and geese both as waterfowl. But if your worried try it on just one. Goodluck.
how big of a "drop" did you use? I have Saint bernards..(90lbs..and 160lbs..).how much should i use??

I gave mine about .2ml or 400mcg. But I doubled the dose to maybe sterilize the heartworms if they had any since they haven't been on a preventive medicine. My dogs weigh about 55 #'s. So if I were you I'd get me a syringe and give them .2ml being as they are such large dogs. But if you are worried give them less. I suppose you could take a eyedropper and just put one or two drops on a piece of bread. I think it would probably be about the same. (ml is the same as a cc and mcg stands for a microgram). Go to the pharmacy and ask for a small syringe and ask them to show you what mark you need. They did me:)

Can we use ivermectin pour on for ducks? I know not to give it internally but I use it to worm my chickens--can I dose my 3 ducks too?? On their skin??
Sorry, I really don't know if the pour on will work on ducks. But if it works on chickens I don't see why it wouldn't work on ducks.
I may just does my ducks when I get home with a few drops each--I have been seeing the male do this neck strech thingy:-(
You can also use Liquid safeguard 10% - 3 cc per gal - for 3 days then again in 2 weeks. This is how I worm my waterfowl and peafowl. With waterfowl just make sure you keep this as the only water for them to drink. So I just dump their pools for 3 days. Since I have so many I have found this to be the easiest way to worm them. Also keep an eye on the waterfowl's water so they don't run out.
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I sure like the sound of the liquid. But my bottle of Ivermectin should last several years!
Besides the fact you never know when grandkids, ect.... might come down with headlice. Still that might be the best way to worm baby ducks, geese, and chicks. Where do you get this liquid 10% Safequard? The feed store. I haven't seen it but then I wasn't looking for it either.
I do plan on adding this tidbit of info to my wormer folder that I've started!


PS. I went to your website. Hoping to see pictures of your runners. What colors do you have? What kind of prices are you going to get on your eggs? I'm wanting white, mallard, and the cinnamin colors to add to my flock. (And of course any other colors that I don't have.)

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