My Ducks like to eat.....

Iv been trying my two muscovys and Campbell with a few things

They like
Wet cat and dog food
Oats soaked in water.

Things they took some time to get use to
But they are ok now but at first they didn't like it so much.

There are still so many things I want to try them with.
My Tilly ( khaki campbell ) LOVES corn and boiled potatoes. She goes nuts for them. She also jumps for the box of feta cheese whenever I open the fridge.
She is so cute! Yours to. At least they eat their veggies!
Mine are only 2 1/2 weeks old, I've only offered them lettuce, kale, peas and cheerios (and the occasional earwig that shows up in the house). The weather has been nice so the last 3 days I've been allowing them outside in a temporary "playpen" I made from a length of aviary wire I had. They have been cleaning up the ants that happen to crawl within reach, and when they finally got brave enough to climb the ramp and go swimming in the water trough we have for the dog, they discovered mosquito larvae in there and went nuts.

My question is: how MUCH do you give them of these things? My 10 babies can demolish an entire head of lettuce in about 5-10 minutes and then they are looking around for more.
Where on earth did the ducks get all that food in one week?
Do you run a restaurant?

My ducks eat pretty much anything...apart from carrots, they really don't like them.
The odd things that suprised me that they go nuts for are:

Salt and vinegar crisps

Too funny... our gals HATE carrots! Truly... they hate them. No maybe or possibly....they hate them! I have tried for 3 yrs now to get them to eat carrots in various forms and they always pick around them or spit them right back out. They go for the peas first and leave none of those behind. Craziest thing I ever saw them do was eat a carpenter bee. I could not believe it! It was a nice sized one at that, and still it got chased down and eaten. Just crazy!
Frogs! Until last week, with the unseasonably warm weather, frogs were still out and about. Untill they came near our place, then they quickly disappeared!! It's amazing how fast a duck can be when in hot pursuit of a tasty morsel!! Snakes (small garden variety), flies, bugs, slugs and crickets are becoming less and less frequent. Not that I mind, but the frogs have such a sad look on their face as they're being swallowed by a duck... :-(
Prickly pears!

We have a huge wall o cactus behind the coop enclosure and this summer there were so many there, just going bad - you could smell them starting to ferment, so I took a pitch fork and tossed em over till my arms got tired. Did this about seven or eight times this summer. They went NUTS for em. Oh sweet prickly manna from heaven

They weren't so fond of figs.

They'll jump for grapes.

Watermelon, pumpkin, greenery of all sorts.

They love it when I let them in the graze pen where the goats are during the day. All the grass and bugs they can eat.

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