My ducks won't eat peas

well if its an consolation I think freezer burn't is a new flavor? my ducks eat anything the wife tosses out to them. I had a couple pound of fresh cut green beans at least a year in the deep freeze. they were gross. the ducks lov'um. the geese turned their noses up.. oh well.
and the wife has taken to buying sweet peas by the case for the ducks now...she feed them about 1/2 a can a day. they get pepper scraps and anything she doesn't eat her self in a salad.
Neither will mine and I devoted 6 plants to them. When I try to give them some they nibble it and then spit it out and give me a dirty look.
try some minnows. its the funniest thing to watch. put them in their clean fresh "pond/pool" and they chase them till they catch them.

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