My E-Z Chicken Feeder and Waterer

Great idea but, in my opinion, the clear plastic bottles that contain juices, soft drinks and bottled water can be a problem. Manufacturers often add different chemicals to plastics to give them the exact characteristics they’re looking for, like flexibility, strength, and reduced production cost. These components can include phthalates, bisphenol A (BPA), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) and tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) — all of which alter hormone expression in nonhuman animals and humans. The chemicals can leach out into the liquid and the process is speeded up when the bottle is warm like during the summer months. It's not got for your chickens and it's not good for you. It's best to do some research and know what you have. Below is a link to get you started on how to recognize safe plastics.

Good luck!
Thanks for the info!
So should I just use glass containers -- or do they leach chemicals, too?
(many of the feeders and waterers at the feed store are made out of plastic)
Thanks for the info!
So should I just use glass containers -- or do they leach chemicals, too?
(many of the feeders and waterers at the feed store are made out of plastic)

Many of the feeders and waterers at the feed stored are made of plastic. Because they're sold at a feed store doesn't make them any safer than the plastics you purchase at the grocery store and use around your home that contain the harmful chemicals. It's up to you to do the research. I'm just pointing out a potential problem and steering you toward a source of information that could possibly help you to make a wise decision. You're welcome to do what you would like with it. There are a lot of options to plastics. Glass, stoneware, terra-cotta, steel, rubber, etc.
GREAT idea! I was weary of when the store bought waterer wound go out, changing pan waterers seems so wasteful. 40 mi to get another…Ugh. THANK YOU so much for the idea. I have PLENTY of milk jugs and pie tins to use……I knew there was a way, lights were dim in that portion of the Attic? LOL….thanks for posting!!

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