My EE is the biggest camera hog!


6 Years
Nov 1, 2013
When I went outside to begin my chores, I noticed my four girls comfortably perching on the fence. They seemed so peaceful so I ran into the house and got the camera, hoping to get off some decent shots of these lovely ladies. My EE still looks a little prehistoric or maybe like a hawk or eagle. Needless to say, I could hardly keep her out of the eye of the camera! Her name is Alley, which she was extremely cautious of every move I made as a youngster but has gotten to be the most inquisitive, friendly girl I have. Other than the Orpington and Brahmas which are so docile with a content presence always. The buff is named Kate, hence I have a Kate and Alley, and the Brahmas named Lucy and Ethel. Only problem I have is, I don't know which one is which since they look and act almost identical. Good luck to Light Brahma flock owners! I don't know how to post for picture of the week so I thought I'd just share 4 of my 10 hens. My EE has my number for sure and knows she's something special. She always knows where to be and how to get most of my attention for treats since she low on the pecking order. When I got her at 6 weeks of age, my hopes for having a friendly, not flighty hen were answered. She is squirrely but lets me pick her up to get some pets, especially when she jumps up on the railing to get them.

Strikin a pose!

Looking a little prehistoric here :)

My little buff looks so grumpy but she's just fluffin.
Thanks, I think the fluffy feet add a little something extra too!
My darling little EE laid her first egg last Sunday! So far this week she's given me 4 absolutely gorgeous mint green eggs, but to top it off, her third egg weighted 2.96 ounces!!!
This is her laying her first egg. And yes, that's a kitty carrier she decided to nest in the first couple days.

She now moved to a milk crate nest which is fine with me since it's right outside my door.

EE, Leghorn, and Buff Orpington eggs the same day.

How exciting! I love my little EE!

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