My EE was attacked by a fox, bad neck injury!

Problem hatches

In the Brooder
May 9, 2015
Hello, i noticed my Easter egger missing this afternoon, searched for three hours and finally found her on the side of my garage, but her whole head was blood and skin missing, almost like you can see the tendons. Now we had seen a fox three days prior so I'm almost positive that's what got her. She makes chirping noises, I tried giving her water through syringe, she doesn't want it but I know water is crucial for survival. I tried to bandage it up with gauze and tape. She is 1 month old. I will only post pictures if asked, they are really gory. I separated her in my basement away from the others. I'm afraid she won't make it but I'd like some advice on what to do.
Hello, i noticed my Easter egger missing this afternoon, searched for three hours and finally found her on the side of my garage, but her whole head was blood and skin missing, almost like you can see the tendons. Now we had seen a fox three days prior so I'm almost positive that's what got her. She makes chirping noises, I tried giving her water through syringe, she doesn't want it but I know water is crucial for survival. I tried to bandage it up with gauze and tape. She is 1 month old. I will only post pictures if asked, they are really gory. I separated her in my basement away from the others. I'm afraid she won't make it but I'd like some advice on what to do.

That's the pits. Wash well and put antibiotic cream WITHOUT pain killers on the wounds See if you can get her to drink. If so, you can put probiotics in the water or if you have bird biotics, use that. Not every injured bird is savble, but at least you will have tried. Keep her warm. You might want to put her in the house in a dog crate.
Good luck.
She is in the basement with a heated lamp, not a hot one...I put triple antibiotics on her wounds. I read that it is ok to out 3 crushed aspirin in a gallon of water for pain meds, is that right? I just checked on her and she looks very tired but then perks up and chirps/walks around. But she won't drink on her own. Thank you for your advice
She is in the basement with a heated lamp, not a hot one...I put triple antibiotics on her wounds. I read that it is ok to out 3 crushed aspirin in a gallon of water for pain meds, is that right? I just checked on her and she looks very tired but then perks up and chirps/walks around. But she won't drink on her own. Thank you for your advice

I think I read that about the aspirin, but don't remember the details or where I read it.
Can you use an eyedropper to get water/fluid into her? With an injured parrot once, a vet recommended I use fruit juice as the bird might like that better and it would provide some vitamins. I used cranberry juice and he started drinking. I don't see why the same logic wouldn't apply to a chicken.
I was thinking oedialite or gator aid. I need to go to the store tomorrow if she is still alive. She looks so bad I'm thinking she has a 5% chance to live

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