My Favorite Chicken keeps biting me and She's getting more aggressive.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 26, 2014
I have Three Chickens and one of my 1 yr old chickens has a biting problem. It's been going on for a while now. Every time I go to the coop she will take a strike at my hand or my arm. I let them free range, and they like to follow me around the yard. When they are out and about, she will follow me around the yard trying to bite my legs. I've tried holding her for long amounts of time, and pressing her head to her chest.... they don't seem to work. The last time she bit me she drew blood and she seems to be getting more and more aggressive. Anyone know of anything that works or can help??
I don't think Roo's lay eggs, lol. I'm sure she's a she, I can take a pic and post it later. I'm not sure of her breed, she's just a white chicken wit one brownish black feather on her wing, lol.
I have Three Chickens and one of my 1 yr old chickens has a biting problem. It's been going on for a while now. Every time I go to the coop she will take a strike at my hand or my arm. I let them free range, and they like to follow me around the yard. When they are out and about, she will follow me around the yard trying to bite my legs. I've tried holding her for long amounts of time, and pressing her head to her chest.... they don't seem to work. The last time she bit me she drew blood and she seems to be getting more and more aggressive. Anyone know of anything that works or can help??
I bought 8 month old Barred rocks and 2 Delawares last spring. They were not used to being handled like my other chickens, so when the Delaware, Clementine, decided to peck me every time she could reach me, I gave a bop on the head with the flat of my hand.It took a couple of times--but no more twisty, pecks.
I had a mean RIR that kept biting me and kicking the other hens out of the nests when they tried to lay eggs. Other than that she was completely normal. I tried the carrying her around trick and even holding her upside down for a bit. But nothing worked so I just found her a new home through craigslist. I was very honest and listed her as a bossy hen - I had 3 responses in a few hours of people wanting her. She now has a nice new home and isn't mean there (yet).
I think once they get it in their little 'pea brains' to do something it's hard to change them.
Hope you find a solution.

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