My female African Goose has a lump, is this normal?

I am the proud parent of an African Goose. They 'billed it' as FEMALE, but I got home and she's as big as my female Emden. How do I determine if this is a boy or girl? She/he is playing OK with the ducks. I put her/him in with my female Emden but she (Emden) turned away. I haven't let my male goose have a swing at him or her yet. I don't want the new babe to get PUMMELED if it is a boy.

There is a knob. She/he doesn't act aggressive at all to anyone so far.......
Post some pics servpolice is a good one to tell what gender. Congrats on your new goose.
All three of mine are very big. When I got them I was told one was a male and two were female. But I was not 100% until the females developed the lobes and started laying eggs. My male guards alot. But none of them are aggressive. They live with ducks and they all get along fine.
What kind of goose do I have people say it african

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