My female mallard flew away, please help :(

I just read the post and comments, that’s really sad that she flew off but because she is a wild duck she should be able to take care of herself out in the wild. But yes, did you ever find your Gilly? Or if not did you get another demesticated duck as a pet instead? ❤️ 🦆
I never found her :( I hope she is out there happy and free with other ducks. And sadly I wasn't allowed another pet duck :(
She's a wild duck, and now she is free. Watching her fly away would bring me great joy if I raised her to health ❤
Hard no on clipping her wings. That's not cruel for a domestic duck, but yes it very much is for a wild one.
As time has passed I have been able to look at it more this way, I hope she has lots of new duck friends out there :)

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