My first 2 eggs and a question.


11 Years
Aug 8, 2008
Lake Como, Florida
YAY!!!!I found two beautiful brown eggs in a nesting box this morning. I have no idea who layed them but who cares.....I am thrilled. My questions is, will my chickens lay eggs somewhere in the yard????...they are free range over 2 1/2 acres all day long. I would hate to miss out on finding the eggs because they didnt lay in the coop. I am hoping since two layed in the coop the other know where to lay too..i hope!
nooooooo, i dont want them laying in the yard, i may never find them. I will just hope they only like the nesting boxes. I hope i get more tomorrow!
Congrats on your first 2 eggs. Putting some golf balls or ping-pong balls, etc in the nest boxes will help encourage your chickens to lay there.
When our ladies started to lay, we kept them in the coop for two weeks, sort of like when we trained them to their new home so they'd come back in at night. We also used the golf balls.

After two weeks, we almost never found an egg on the coop floor. Now that they're out, they run back to the coop to lay eggs. We only found 2 eggs under the coop all summer--that's it. And I know that I was getting all the eggs into the boxes because we would get 30-33 eggs in nest boxes each day and I only had 33 hens.

Congrats, Summer!
My chicken started laying today too!

I'm going to do the golf-ball method to keep my chicken from laying in unsafe spots. She laid in the middle of my wide-open backyard!
I'm going to make a little nest with ping-pong balls in there for her.

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