my first bator - finished

wonderful! now get some eggs in there and tell us how well it works!
That looks really nice.
Hope you keep us updated on how well it holds your temp & humidity. Like you, I wondered about the ventilation holes. You will post another thread when you put eggs in, so we can follow along, RIGHT?

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huh...i have 2 bators now.

our almost 3 year old asked a couple of days ago what i was doing while i was making the bator so i explained it to her.

now she's sitting on the floor with a big pile of lego...

i'm making an incubator. this bit here is a thermostat so we can see how warm it is inside for our baby chickens. this bit here is for their eggs to go in. this bit here is for them to sleep in the night. and a rooster is going to be in here too with its baby. now i've put a green light inside because it's green lego.

scary little dudes i have running around in my house...she isn't fully toilet trained yet but she knows how to make a bator...
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Great start! Of course you understand that building bators is a separate and dangerous addiction ALL IT'S OWN?

Each one leaving you wondering - what if, and can I, and wouldn't THIS be better? Each leading you further down the path of the incubator tinker.

Until you plunge headlong into building, experimenting, finding old ones and rehabilitating them, each hatch yielding: "wow that worked," "this might have worked" or, "should I?" until you sit there in an evening thinking of chickens and rebuilds, and you cannot even hear or see the TV or the children for the spinning wheels in your head. ( Kind of a micro-vacation.)

It's perilous, seductive, interesting, demanding and wonderful.

I recommend it highly - said the woman on her fourth homemade and first rehab of an antique bator.

It's good to see what you build hatch something. It's satisfying to know how and why a bator works, how to improve it. To learn what YOU would do differently.

My first store bought I learned to work well but the design wasn't ME friendly. The rest is a long slide into addiction that I cherish and recommend.
@kathyinmo: it holds temp perfectly...couldn't be happier...just playing with humidity now, had to get a larger tray with bigger sponges...seem to be getting somewhere now.

@walkswithdog: uhhhh, i know. luckily we own a bit of land just outside town...just over 2.5 acres. we haven't done anything with it yet but we plan to level it, cover about 1/3 with grass, 1/3 with veggie garden and the other 1/3 with chicken coop(s) and runs so we can go nuts with bator building and hatching later.

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