My first coop build


8 Years
Mar 31, 2011
Built this coop over the last 3 weeks.
I managed to build most of the structure from reclaimed wood from a home demolition. I did purchase a window, hardware, and the metal roofing but for the most part it was recycled materials.
When I started it the weather was 65 and sunny. Since it has been snowy, cold, and rainy. April 1st tomorrow and they are predicting 3-6" here in NEPA. Oh well.
I did finish the structure for my new girls, 7 plymouth rock hens and 1 cockreel. This is my first time owning chickens but my interest has always been there.
With a little help from "Raising Chickens for Dummies" and a lot of inspiration from people on this forum, here is our coop!!!
Please give me alittle feedback, good and bad, I'm still new at this. It houses 8 chickens, 3 nesting boxes and multiple roosts. The overall structure is 4'w x 6'l x 5'h and 3' off the ground. The run is aproximately 10' lg.

This is a picture of the framing after our first snow fall.


Here's a picture of the girls just introduced into their new home.


Coop with the new metal roof installed! I like the look!


Few more pictures.



The run is still a work in progress, but the girls seem happy.
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That looks good to me, but im a noob to this stuff as well. Im curious about your 7 hens and only 3 nest box's. Will they share? Id love to use just 6-8 boxes for my ~10 hens. Im hoping to make a decent, yet portable/forklift-able unit, as i am building a people house some miles from here, so all must move there some day. I have 5 "pullets" from TSC and 8 birds that were non-sexed so who knows what ill end up with in the months ahead. Good luck with yours. Yes, the winter has been a "damper" for sure.
That looks great rkane, Nice Job! I have no experience with chickens yet, but I am a carpenter. Thanks for the pics
Looks real nice. I don't see your ventilation though. Did you put plenty of it? With a metal roof, humidity levels can become a problem without enough ventilation.

Davis... most hens like to share nests, unless they go broody. I have 52 laying hens, and only 10 nest boxes. I often find 6 or more eggs in a box.
Your coop seems a little small. 8 chickens should have 40 square feet in the coop (and 80 in the run) or you may encounter behavior problems like picking.

Also, check out patandchickens' Ventilation Page. You may have moisture problems in there due to lack of ventilation. Also check out her winter coop page for related information.

The coop looks gorgeous. I wish my coop looked half as good.
Thanks for the feedback!! The coop does has some nice ventalation, lots of holes in the siding, windows and doors also. I am planning on a register at the peak to help with vents.
Everything I have read about the number of nesting boxes seem to be consistent with a few is ok, they will share. we shall see.
I do plan on increasing the size of my run to allow for alittle more space, but weather and time hasn't allowed for that just yet.

Thank you for the feedback and the nice comments!
Very nice! I'm hoping to get my coop finished up in the next few weeks,if the weather permits. I have lots of pics to post.

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