If you live in Massachusetts, that was not a copperhead.

Dunno why your dog died, but if it was my dog, and I didn't know why it dropped dead, I'd pay for a necropsy. Blaming a nonexistent poisonous snake a month after the fact is convenient, but not convincing.

Most likely you had a milk snake. Nine times out of ten when someone screeches "copperhead," I find a milk snake. Unfortunately, it's frequently a dead milk snake.

As yours did much bluff striking, it's possible it was a hognose snake, which puts on an impressive display with lots of hissing and striking. As do northern water snakes, which have an aggressive temper. Copperheads do not. They get out of dodge given half a chance.

I beg to is a link proving to you that there ARE copperheads in MA.

Also my brother lives there and has seen one, one time. He is a zoologist and would know what he was seeing.

Cheers !
Love the victors tin cat to catch mice in my barn ,the get a water bath and then fed to the ducks/hens.

I bait it with sunflower seeds and it has done a wonderful job. Worth every penny spent on it.

with other traps too. But that metal box is great.

Because certain snakes are very venomous and are a danger to peoples familys. Copperheads being one.

I tell ya, if I ran into a venomous snake lunging at my birds, there will be heck to pay.

There's rattlesnakes over here that everyone has to watch out for.

Every year people hit them during haying season because they can't see them in the grass. Last year one of the neighbors hit a young rattlesnake, then perceded to carry it back while it was still alive and then throw it at my feet.

I was not a happy camper. Baby poisonous snakes are more venomous than adults because they cannot control how much venom they put into their victims.
Don't blame ya there Dogzrule I would have killed it also! Here in Texas I usually leave the rattlesnakes alone unless they are threatening or striking as they are beneficial and usually not a threat unless they feel threatened but copperheads and water moccasins at least here can be VERY aggresive and are dealt with around here with matching aggression! We just dispatched a 4' water moccasin this week while checking on the stock tanks which are about 6' low unless this weeks rain (Thank you hurricane Edouard!) Dispatched a 5' rattler this spring as it was right beside the front walk and being very aggressive to both dogs and us. (There was no leave it alone and it will go away it was there well over an hour and a half striking at everything that moved.)When the moccasins and copperheads come after me, I'm going after them in return!That is not justification, that is survival of the fittest!
...i just chcked this post again..and..brandywine...i'm sorry..but we do have copper heads in mass.....i live in western mass:).....also........winconsin!!....arent we the sensitive one!!? complain about others writing style..*tisk..tisk*.....why exactly would it bother you?? the others that responded before i could..THANKS..
...Wendy.........p.s.,.brandywine...i forgot to say thanks for the info on the local snakes!..appreciate it...
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Here's an update for LV426 - I still have two black snakes in my barn, so don't fret too much. I see at least one of the every day and don't mind that they are there.

Evidently I still have quite the mouse population no matter what method I've used. My most recent method is the powdered suger and plaster of paris mixture. I don't smell any dead mice so not sure if they've taken the bait yet, but it definitely killed all the ants the sugar attracted!

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