My first Cornish X Chicks.

Do they start running into issues after 9 weeks? I've also heard that you lower the protein content of the feed, the older they get. Is that correct?
I'm a meat chicken newbie, so any advice is appreciated.
At 10 weeks depending on intake, your feed conversion becomes a negative due to the rapid growth with resulting health issues.( lots of fat)
Resulting in what is known as diminishing returns.
You can start a new cycle every 60 days.
Quality genetics and feed are essential for good results.
Everyone is still doing well at 2 weeks old. I finally got a scale and weighed one yesterday. He was 1.19 pounds. Should I cut back more on their feed, or is this what everyone else is getting around 2 weeks old? They still seem to be running around, chest bumping, and trying to fly.

I just wanted to say how helpful this thread is! I got my first batch of cornish x a few days ago. If all goes well with these guys, I'm hoping to get some more in mid-April.
I finally weighed all of them on Tuesday (3/5) -- at 15 days old. We have 22 total -- 11 boys and 11 girls

Weights ( in ounces)
13.1 - 14 - 14.3 - 14.5 - 15.3 (3) - 15.5 - 15.6 - 15.7 (3) - 15.8 -15.9 - 16 - 16.1 - 16.5 - 16.8 - 17 - 17.5 - 18.8 - 20.1

For an average of 15.9 ounces. They seem to be right on track (or a little bigger) than the chart I have. I have been limiting their feed, mostly during the daytime, when they are in a dog run outside. That way they can scratch around in the dirt to get a little something to eat. They all still seem to be healthy and active, they run and jump, and play fight. I will weigh them again next Tuesday to see where we are at.

This is also my first attempt meaties, I also weighed just one random chick this past monday and he or she was 1 lb 11 oz at 21 days old. These birds grow so fast, almost makes me wonder if they are normal! As of this weekend my 15 chicks will have gone through 75 lbs of feed, I'm starting the 12 hour on 12 off feeding TODAY!!
I also opened up their brooder coop and put them in an enclosed run for a couple of hours yesterday for the first time, they were a bit scared and didn't know what to make of it but a few started scratching at the ground after a few minutes. I think they need that fresh air and exercise. I've also been taking video's of them and posting it on my youtube channel every week since I've had them to show them at weekly intervals till processing time to show how rapidly they grow. I had a hard time finding a video so I thought I'd make my own, and I still can't believe the weekly changes..
We made it to 3 weeks old with every one still alive and kicking!! They are staying outside in the run full time now, with a dog house with the heat lamp inside. Weighed all of them today, and it's getting way harder to have them stand still to get the weight!!

Weights (in pounds)

1.7 (3) - 1.8 (8) - 1.9 (6) - 2.0 (2) - 2.1 (1) - 2.3 (1) - 2.5 (1)

For an average of : 1.9 pounds!!!

These guys are getting huge!!
We're at week 4, they are getting a little bit slower, and you can tell they are getting to heavy. I did the weights tonight (I'm one day behind).

Weights- (in pounds, and ounces)
2 pounds- 6 ounces
2 pounds- 9 ounces
2 pounds- 10 ounces
2 pounds- 11 ounces
2 pounds- 12 ounces (3)
2 pounds- 13 ounces (2)
2 pounds- 14 ounces
2 pounds- 15 ounces (3)
3 pounds - 0 ounces (4)
3 pounds- 1 ounce (2)
3 pounds- 2 ounces
3 pounds- 8 ounces
3 pounds- 11 ounces

For an average of : 2.9 pounds. That's up a full pound in a week!!


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