My first eggs!!!! Yippeeee!!


9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Boerne, TX
Well I had calculated wrong and thought I wouldn't have eggs until early September - but I guess I WAY screwed up the math becuse we got our first eggs today! I didn't see any last night when I put the girls up for the night so I was shocked to find TWO tonight! I am not sure which girl laid them or if two of them laid eggs but they are both light brown and since I have one Marans and 3 EEs I am guessing maybe it is the Marans?

So a few questions - if it IS the Marans - do the eggs get darker over time as she gets more mature?
I'm so excited I can't stand it

I have a Cuckoo Marans, and her eggs are a little bit darker than yours in the picture. (I'm also guessing the flash alters how they really look.) Bernadette's eggs started kinda light, then darkened. But the Welsummer eggs are putting hers to shame! REALLY dark eggs.

The eggs in this photo are two of the Welsummer's, one of the EEs, the first egg of my bantam Lavender cochin, and one of the two Lakenvelders' eggs.
wow! I'm jealous yours are so dark! I'm wondering if mine are from my Marans or maybe I have an EE laying brown eggs
I need to watch them and try to see who laid them. I'm not sure if they are from the same girl and maybe she laid one yesterday evening and one today or if they are from two different girls?

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