My first flock..


Jul 14, 2015
Hello everyone.. Im having trouble with one hen imparticular. She keep feeting these bubbles in her eyes.. I treat with antibiotics..2 full weeks all seems clear... then within a week or so they have come back.. .. Im at a loss at this point... She's only 5 months old Americana..
Welcome to BYC!

@Kelsie2290 has given you a good thread for finding help for your hen. Hope it clears up soon!

Thanks for joining us.
Welcome to Backyard chickens. Sounds like she keeps reinfecting herself. Maybe the wrong choice of antibiotics, or wrong dosage. Are you keeping her area as sanitary as possible?
Thank you fir the quick response... I treated the whole flock as a precautionary measures gave them a diluted rate 1/4 tsp per gallon oxytetroxyacyclin (sp ? Sorry) powder.. Clean run.. new coop.. 5 hens total 2 5-6 months rhode island red.. Americana and we just picked up.l 3 5 weeks old ...i just introduced 3 days ago when i noticed the bubbles last night..

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