My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

Thanks Mygirls, hang in there. Baby steps at first - get him to shoot a piece of paper or a can first.. OH grown men taking their first shots can be very dangerous - they tend to ignore safety warnings - and that BANG gets them excited - and they spin to say something & end up pointing the gun at you not even realizing it.

Only put one round at a time til he's used to it, is my advice.

Does he fish or do anything like that?

F, I gotta take that back. We got invited to 'trash bbqs' by our country neighbors some - goodness only knows what I et. Rattlesnake is darn good, dredged in Flour and pan fried.. So maybe this is edible. I didn't like the bear or coon I've had much - helps to be real hungry if that's what's for dinner.

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Ya I dont think I will eat it especially cause I didnt bleed it out or take out the organs right away I know those spoil the meat pretty fast.

No my husband doesnt go fishing he doesnt see the fun in it thinks its boring I love to fish. I did take him and my kids to a stocked pond twice he hated it until he caught his first fish. It was right before I caught one and it was the biggest catch of the day. He got pretty excited then. Ya I am setting up a shooting range on my property saturday I want him to know how to shoot a gun. It is the mans job to protect the family anyways right or has that changed to JK!!!!

I love the my husband to death and I couldnt imagine my life or our daughters lives without him. I wouldnt trade him for the world but he needs to toughen up I will slowly get him there. There is hope yet. I know the first time he shoots my .22 it will spark something guns always waken something inside a man

So update I found fresh fox tracks in the snow this afternoon that were not there this morning.
I am thinking I should probably set the trap again maybe its the mate. I just need to get rid of this pair then hopefully the replacements wont go after my chickens so hard like this pair has.
You got the right idea - and yes, there's tons of hope!

It'd be interesting it you catch this other one. An ecosystem can only support so many predators - ones taking the risk of invading our yards may have been driven out of wilder areas.

The real culprit here is not you - it's likely the fault of the neighbor feeding these wild animals, which erases their natural instincts and ruins them. So don't feel bad when he is probably the real cause here.. Good luck , be safe!
Oh, you & Shellz were talking ducks.. I clicked on an ad just now - a BYC banner ad - for Worth checking out if you really want ducks or geese.
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Ya I do think that is the main problem. I have never once seen a coyote walk up to someone. Foxes yes but coyotes usually stay away from humans and their houses. I remember the first time I saw my x-boyfriend shoot a fox. I was really upset and didnt understand any of it. Then I slowly got over it. (I saw two foxes rip a baby calf apart, its mother died giving birth to it and we didnt get to them in time) after that I understood. I am hoping its the same with my husband and after awhile he will learn how it really is.

Thanks again for everything I will put a update up of the other fox. Fingers crossed it stays away.
I agree with needing to keep predators in check. They do it to each other so why are we expected to stay out of the loop. They claim their territory and challenges to take over territory generally results in of one them dying (ex: wolves and lions). Same with dogs. This whole dogs will be dogs saying for those who believe its okay for livestock destroying dogs to run amok. No, dogs are predators and will be predators.
The predators that can successfully cohabitate are those who respect boundaries and give competing predators (such as humans) a wide berth.
If we never took action to protect are homes and livestock from predators and pests we would be left with nothing. Who wants to cohabitate with a thousand mice b/c you should just let nature do its thing without interferrence? Not I.
I agree Shelbydog Thank you. As I said before if this fox had taken off with a small dog nobody would think twice. I care for my chickens and my children I was sorry it had come down to this but I tried everything to scare it away. Human ignorance caused this and it wont stop till the city slickers stop thinking that wildlife can be pets.
I know foxes are cute so everyone freaks out but they are still dangerous!!!

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