My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

Hey Mygirls, I did some checking around. I don't have experience w/ old hens (the country people I knew growing up turned them into soup), and we only started w/ our own chickens last year.

Try this:

There are other sites of people talking about old hen eggs. Yours doesn't seem the same - they talk about weak or leathery shells, but same size, normal yolks, and whites that are grainy if poached (also soapy or bubbly whites, I don't see that in yours - yours just looks a tad cloudy with a weak yolk). Could be your hen is old and failing - or it could just be stressed and will lay normally when the stress is gone.

It's cold now in Colorado. low light, no fresh grass in her diet, and so on (plus foxes). Two and a half seems too young for her to be about to quit - that's more age 4 - unless what I've read is all wrong. That said, I have read that chickens are born with x eggs (the cells that give rise to eggs) in their ovaries and do run out. A Leghorn laying 280 eggs a year will run out way faster than a regular heritage bird laying 160 or w/e.

Was your chicken a prolific layer, like 5-6 a week? If so, she may be running out. If not - stress, low light, diet, illness - check her behavior. See if she's sick or stressed. This is a problem we'll have to face one day: can we slaughter and eat a hen we've named and treated like a semi-pet? We're too wimpy to do that, I'm afraid! If one day we're in the country with a bigger flock (and we don't name all the birds), who knows?

You feed treats and scraps sometimes, right? They say no onions, no citrus - um - no avocado - um ... other stuff are no noes too. Has she eaten something on the bad-food list?

By the way, thanks folks for putting up with my long tomes. I guess I have a lot on my mind: this issue does bug me. Ya'll are very nice to tolerate me. My son's principal says my emails are too long - and then turns around and accuses me of bad motives or wonders if I truly grasp this or that - and I say: "That's WHY I WROTE A LONG EMAIL - to let you know I'm not going that way, that I get all that - that we gotta solve the problem in a way that may be HARD and require WORK, cuz what you're doing now ISN'T WORKING!" They love me at his school.
At least he's a wonderful boy and well liked by everyone there (and our issues are getting solved - he's doing great, thank God)!
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... Frequently I see where a fox has marked the same spot where I have urinated. do you think that they are warning me?
No! I think the fox is marking his territory. This is why urine lures are used to trap foxes, coyotes and other canines. A trap is set beside a fence post, sapling or tall stick drove into the ground. Then urine is placed above the trap but on the stick, and when the male coyote or fox hikes his leg to cover or remark where another K9 has so rudely trespassed, snap... you got him.
Hey Mygirls, good news - I did a bit more digging and found:

THey say it's normal for an occasional misfire or small egg with no yolk - and one mentions an easter egger. Your hen is probably okay. I bet she has several more years at least, though production will declined from now.

Right Chickengeorge, many animals communicate by urine and the scents that go with them. Even rhinos!
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Ya she is a good layer for me her name is Itchy (add a B to the beginning and you will know why I named her that lol) she normally Is a good layer and provides extremely good eggs for me this one is the only odd one I have ever had.

Thanks Shellz and steamroo for your help I am hoping it was a one time thing. I normally get 10-12 eggs a day today I got 3 (4 counting the tiny eggs) I think its cause my husband was using the chainsaw to cut down a few trees today maybe it stressed them out?!?! I am going to watch her and see how her next eggs are not to sound mean but if she continues to lay small eggs that I cant use I will have to butcher her. My girls and I love her but we need all our chickens to at least pay for their feed. Hoping her next egg will be normal so that I dont have to do that. (even though I sound cruel it will break my heart to butcher her
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How often does the chainsaw get used? If they're not used to it, that could definitely keep some from laying. I've had 10 hens over the winter, and was glad of it because 4 went on strike. The other 6 were on different cycles or something, so I only got 1-4 eggs a day. As soon as the days get longer, they get back into producing. ( I have no supplemental light, just a red heat lamp) So one day, I get 4 eggs and the next 9. Now they're all laying. I'm getting 6-10 eggs a day. This is why I'm hard boiling a lot and feeding back to them these days! Good egg salad too!
I've never paid attention to egg production and the chainsaw or log splitter. We do a lot of this work in spring. If birds are free ranging, they just go hide in the evergreens. Don't know if they ever get used to it. Maybe.
This is the first time we have used the chainsaw since we got them... They didnt seem to be freaking out but with the egg count for today I guess it must have stressed them out. I have never had this low of a egg count ever. I ave 18 hens 6 are 8 months old and only one of them is laying but I still get a ton of eggs a day.
Well it was date night tonight ( our daughters were being watched over night by my mother-in-law) we decided to do some target practice.... Everything was going fine hubby really loves the gun but after four shots my mossberg semi auto .22 started jamming up?!?!? I had to push in the safety take out the mag and then pull back the bolt to shake the bullet loose. I dont know whats going on but I am going to take it to my gun store tomorrow and see what they say. This just totally sucks cause I was finally getting my husband excited about shooting a gun
Did you lube the gun? .22 ammo isn't the most high quality. So throw the dud out and try again.You'll have to try several brands before you find one it likes. .22's are girls :)
Well it was date night tonight ( our daughters were being watched over night by my mother-in-law) we decided to do some target practice.... Everything was going fine hubby really loves the gun but after four shots my mossberg semi auto .22 started jamming up?!?!? I had to push in the safety take out the mag and then pull back the bolt to shake the bullet loose. I dont know whats going on but I am going to take it to my gun store tomorrow and see what they say. This just totally sucks cause I was finally getting my husband excited about shooting a gun
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