My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

I heard coons are the hardest thing to trap and keep trapped (live anyways) cause they are so smart and good with those hands of theirs we use to have one that would somehow get into our garage through the door weird..

Poor cat on the roof bet it stayed off peoples houses after that
Nice! No, I didn't think anyone was stupid or untrained - just felt I should tell that story (only a man would be that dumb - being a man, I know from experience - and who knows, some person needing yo know that might visit our thread).
Ya I think a jammed gun is almost more dangerous then a loaded one. some people think they can just keep pulling the trigger and to will just naturally solve the problem eekkk or hit the gun a lot. Its not a remote people lol
Ya I am hoping to pick up the ammo from him in the next few days I will update everyone on how well she shoots lol.
Glad the store gave you a new mag. I zoned out about the softer lead bullets, they have a wax on them that can jam some guns up with the lead/wax build up. Welly be glad it was a cat. I got a skunk years ago and I had to hold the trap open for him because he just sprang it shut. He walked out slowly looked back at me and left without spraying me. I found out later that they have to raise the tail to spray and that is why the trap door did not get him to spray
OMG frigginchi I want lol it sounds really load looks like it has a slight kick to it.

3 NH reds I am always so scared in the morning when I check my traps that a skunk will be in there eekkk so glad you didnt get sprayed
I heard coons are the hardest thing to trap and keep trapped (live anyways) cause they are so smart and good with those hands of theirs we use to have one that would somehow get into our garage through the door weird..

Poor cat on the roof bet it stayed off peoples houses after that
Coons are easy to catch, but hard to hold. They don't care about human scent, but they are very strong and long winded.

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