My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

Ok So sorry everyone I HAD to paint my living room it has been halfway painted for a few weeks now and was driving me crazy lol. Anyways we all know my fox story I am starting to think the first fox I caught in the trap is still around and the one I caught second and handled was a mate or something. I have had a ton of fresh tracks poo and pee everywhere and I can smell him whenever I go outside. I set up my trap again but nothing he/she just poops next to the trap and doesnt take any of the meat. I dont know what to do. I was just going to leave it alone but I was out yesterday looking around my coop and something has been trying to pull the chicken wire I just put on off (when the attack happened) I of course added more wire to the spot. Also the fox has changed the times he shows up. No longer coming by at 630 like he use to. I am getting a trail cam to see what his habits are like but until that happened I was just wondering if anyone has any more tricks up their selves.

We all know this was a form effort lol I did what everyone told me to do then and it work so heres hoping you all have more info from me. I just know that once the ground thaws he is going to be a menace. Maybe I should just leave him/her alone?!?! But I am not liking the fact that its trying to pull all the wire off the rest of the fencing. Also found a spot where he is trying to dig in I placed the dirt back and some heavy rocks on top.
The stupid fox even crapped on my porch
I know this is my fault cause I let it go but please remember I didnt have anything to kill it with at the time be gentle with me lol
I feel for you! I really, really do! I'll be facing my own fox problems soon. Ugh! My dog & I are finding spots where a varmint has marked territory. He sniffs a spot out, releasing the fragrance from the snow. Smells skunky. Could it be coyote, fox, raccoon? Any or all of the above? One marker was 20 yards from a half eaten cat! Ewww! On a well used snowmobile trail. Caught some eyes shining in the dark on trail cam in area the day before finding dead cat.

I wonder if you could camo that trap in a nearby spot. Even bury a part of it underground when earth thaws? Make it look natural, maybe buy some rabbit urine & spray that around the trap. Costs about $10.
I'm retired, so I'm taking my gun out every time I leave house when free ranging starts. Good luck to you MyGirls! Hope you get it before it gets any chickens!
F, nice find!

M, that,s One messed up fox. Cover trap with branches, shoveled snow, w/e.

S, Belgian malline s huh? Gotta look those up..
Did you look into game timers? they give a time and day of what goes by along with pictures! Know any hunters you could borrow from? If it is this bold find some time where you could go out and bait it with a can full of tuna chicken livers etc and wait 20 yards away with your gun. There are also other no lethal traps ie heavy boxes that fall when the trigger stick moves and the fox has not seen this. If you could drop the kids off for a few hours a day and bait and wait I would do this, it may be to bold to care.
Ya I am going to get a trail cam with a timer just waiting for it to get here. I think the fox is coming by around 3-4am Just cause we have gotten some snow lately and you can kinda tell from the tracks how fresh they are. I think he knows we are all sleeping and I am to lazy to be out that early lol. I think I will try to set up a bait area maybe start doing it around 4 and just wait him out. I know this is my fault and I will have to handle it cause he wont go away but I also thought it a little cruel to leave him in the trap for another 1-2 full days waiting for my friend to come with his gun plus it would have been a huge fight hubby and I didnt need lol.

I think I am going to take my dogo out this weekend and see if I can find his den. My dog always goes crazy in the mornings trying to follow the fox scent. I think we could possibly track him down But I dont know what good it would do I am sure he lived on the open space next to my house and I cant shoot him there. (Or trap).

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