My FIrst Pip



Yahoo! Little Hatcher has a buddy!

My DD and I watched this little one zip and bust out of the egg.

4 more eggs have pipped and we will have to wait to see what happens.

Loving the little chirps we hear from the incubator.
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Hatcher has two new buddies now Magnolia and Waddles. I will post pics when I have more fuzzy butts dried and waiting for their photo ops.
Two more eggs have pipped and 4 are rocking and rolling.
Yay! Congrats! That's so exciting. Hatching looks like so much fun... I want to incubate some Cochins soon!

Can't wait for more pics
Here is a pic of the first 4 in the brooder. Hatcher is the fluffiest one, Waddles is the black one, Magnolia is the very light one and Dacotah is the small brown one. Lucky another brown one is still in the incubator. We are thrilled our first hatching eggsperiment turned out so well. We got 12 eggs of unknown breeds to hatch from a friend because my son with a disability really wanted to know "how chickens get out of an egg?" Breeds were not important to this learning opportunity. DH and I really prayed that one egg would hatch so he could see it. DS got to be the first to discover Hatcher in the incubator when he got up in the morning and got to see two more get zip and get out of their eggs. YES Success!!! We have 5 chicks so far and 4 more eggs still processing in the incubator. We will give them a couple more days and see what happens. As DS was cuddling with the chicks this morning he looked at me imploring, we are not going to eat these right mom! Promise me these are not to be eaten. We also have meat birds I promised that no matter what these girls or boys will be out with the big girls when they are ready. We live in the country so we can have roosters. Thanks for letting us share this eggceptional adventure.

Here are the little fuzzy butts

We are thrilled with our newest members of the gang. We started with 12 eggs 5 hatched and these 5 survived. The eggsperiment was good for our family. Lucky was able to hatch but did not survive the night so I guess he was not so Lucky.
After I cleaned up the incubator and put everything away, my DD said, "Awww, aren't we going to hatch any more eggs? That was so exciting!"
We will see how soon we get more eggs to hatch. She is learning way to early about chicken math.

Thanks for letting me share the journey and for the encouragement.
ahhhhhhh so happy for you...we homeschool so we know how great family lessons can be...good luck on your new chicks

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