My first poults


Poultry, Poetry, and Prose
13 Years
Sep 1, 2009
Hastings, MN
I just picked up my order from Hoovers Hatchery, which were delivered to my local farmer's elevator. I ordered 15 Broad breasted bronze poults but were delivered 13 BBB, and 5 Broad breasted whites. The hatchery included a note that they had run short and so made this substitution. I'm more than pleased with the health and vigor of these young hatchlings. What I didn't realize is how differently they behave than chicks. I didn't know that when I hold them they would just doze off in my hand. They really are sweet. If all goes well, we might add heritage turkeys to our back yard flock. I can see now how the whole personality of this poultry differs from chickens.

We purchased the broad breasted type for our son's 4H project for the fair. Hopefully, we'll have good sized birds by the first week of August. Does anyone know how we should choose which birds to bring for our meat pen? Do you go with the biggest? The best matched pair? How should we pick?
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