My first sight ever of ...

Wow!!! They are majestic birds...eagles and owls. Just spent yesterday night delivering some abandoned baby squirrels to a local rehabber who has several different birds of prey and others.... Spectacular seeing them up close and personal and even better when they get to be rehabbed and set free. If they don't heal up then they become forever residents and some are trained for educational purposes and taken to schools, libraries, colleges....
When I first moved here I was pretty surprised to see them and I never got tired of it! We have a few with nests in the trees on the river behind our house. We go down to the river in the late afternoon to watch them gorge themselves on Salmon when they run.
On the downside, they took a few young pullets one year before we got the run covered . . .
I'm really spoiled on my farm. We have a creek, river and swamp that surround us, so we naturally get to see amazing fowl. I just went for a walk yesterday and came across a Mallard's nest with 6 eggs. I wouldn't have seen it had she not flown out. I have also seen a Gold Eagle swoop down and nab a rabbit when I was a kid. My great uncle has a pair of Bald Eagles at his camp and they come to our fields once in awhile to catch a rabbit. During our spring floods we get Canadian & Snow geese. Plus a flock of Turkeys often visits our fencelines for goodies.
Last week on the way to a field trial in Md. I saw two flying and on the way home I saw one flying just South of Philadelphia, pa. Once at a field trial here in NJ one of the participants yelled, "Hey, look at that big bird with something white in it's mouth."
Yes, it was a bald eagle flying towards the Delaware river. Old Smokey never lived that one down.
I had almost the same thing happen to me, swheat. A couple of weeks ago, I was going to church and saw a HUGE black bird soaring over the road. As it came lower, I saw it had a white head. Absolutely gorgeous! Thank you for sharing your story.
I saw 2 one year while we were swimming at Green River Lake here in south-central KY. It was truly a sight to behold
But that's been at least 10 years ago and I haven't seen another since.

The only owls I've seen in the wild in person was a tiny screech owl that was inside the barn. I told my son that I found a mouse trap in the barn but it flew away when I walked took him quite a while to figure that one out
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