My flock series: part 2, feeding

Pampered chicken girl

Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
Hi and welcome to part 2 of my flock series! In this addition we will talk about how I feed my flock. If you have not read part 1, please do before you read part 2

Feeding your flock is always a question on poultry owners minds, it is no easy task and every flock is different, bit with a bit of guidance you can find the perfect combination for your flock!

If you read part one you will have seem that I have 2 flocks, flock 1 which is all layer hens and flock 2 which is my bantams and roosters.

Flock 1 eats nutrena hearty hen with free choice grit and oyster shell.

Flock 2 eats nutrena all flock with free choice oyster shell and grit

Never feed layer feed to roosters as the extra calcium can cause liver or kidney damage or cause calcium deposits on the bones.

As for treats I limit this to only 10% of their diet. They get scratch, meal worms or BSFL, and any fruit or vegetables that are safe for they that I have extra of, ALL IN MODERATION!! Giving over 10% of treats (especially scratch and mealworms/BSFL) can be dangerous, making you hens overweight and making it hard to pass eggs, it also can cause fatty liver disease which is a potential killer for your flock.
I hope this helps you decide how to feed your flock better.

*if you have any questions please ask, I'm happy to answer them*

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