My flock

These are our birds. 6 production reds. The close up of 'Ol Red' is the one who has different color feathers than the other 5. The week olds are 2 buff orps, 2 silver laced wyandottes and 2 barred rocks. Looking for any and all feedback. This is our first year, we're keeping them inside the house in cages side by side until the week olds get a bit bigger. I do daily food and water cleanings so I leave both cages open and let them inter mingle. As long as the little ones don't go into the reds cage, there are no issues. They'll all go outside to Coopers Coop together at the same time so theres no turf already claimed. Thank you in advance.
You actually have 5 red sexlink pullets and one Production Red cockerel.
The others are too young to sex. Try again in a few more weeks.
lol I kinda got that impression. The other 6 were purchased at Country Max. The woman did seem knowledgeable about the breeds they get to sell there and that they're very picky. But any salesman would be. We'll see how they turn out but the kids love them and my dogs lay on the floor with the chickens walking right up to them. Figure daily interaction is best for good results outdoors free ranging together. Thank you for your feedback. Glad to know they're sexed links. Hopefully they'll do good in central New York weather.
TSC employees hardly ever actually know anything about chicks...
Yeah. At our local TSC they get random assortments from MM. Drives me nuts - except then I get to play "guess the breed: chicks!" and tell all the people there what is what and which ones are my favorites
I could talk about breeds all day....

as far as the roosters go, Looks like just the one to me! If you can keep roos in your area, I'd let him stick around for awhile and see how he behaves.
Thank you. Time will tell for the smaller 6 but I know we can't have roosters in our zone. Plenty of farms around so I'll see if they would like him, otherwise...the inevitable. I myself find myself reading articles about chickens all day at work. Researched for a long time before actually buying them. Thinking my 10'x10' coop (fortified shed) will be enough room to keep my girls happy. Thanks again


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