My Gambels flew the coop LITERALLY


9 Years
Apr 5, 2010
Cody, WY
I had hatched 12 Gambels and fell in love, well one by one I lost them to weather and then somehow found a hole in the wire and lost 4 more, so had 2 left I triple checked the cage and was very secure, I was getting the waterer out and poof one flew out as I looked the other flew also.
Well they are happy now and actually have been sticking around their cage. I feed them and have water, they are gorgeous!
I had hatched 12 Gambels and fell in love, well one by one I lost them to weather and then somehow found a hole in the wire and lost 4 more, so had 2 left I triple checked the cage and was very secure, I was getting the waterer out and poof one flew out as I looked the other flew also.
Well they are happy now and actually have been sticking around their cage. I feed them and have water, they are gorgeous!

Im sorry to hear this Ayda.... Hurts your heart to lose your whole flock! I should be able to "Gift" you eggs in the spring if you'd like. Bill
I had a male Gambel escape last week. And I'm currently listening to him call in the distance right now
So he's hanging around the area. That's the first time I've ever had a quail escape.
I hope they survive the winter am planning on making them an outside protected area to live in as they go under the chicken coop right now and I do have cats

Gambels quail are wild birds and so sooner or later, they will leave even if you did raise them from chicks. Cats are a big problem for quail.

Here he is, one of my Gambels has been hanging out in the rooster pen!! He is getting big and sometimes can't squeeze into the fence LOL. I'm thinking its a he but ????

Here he is, one of my Gambels has been hanging out in the rooster pen!! He is getting big and sometimes can't squeeze into the fence LOL. I'm thinking its a he but ????

Nice, he appears very healthy. It is a male.
I had a pair walk out the pen door that didn't close tight. They hung around for a while then the hen flew down the block. The male stayed for a couple days until he heard her call, then raced off to find her. I built a "call pen" funnel into the pen with the other pair I had, and when the escapees came back in the yard, with in 2 hrs were back in captivity. Kind of sad, but they are safer and I built a large hoop house where both pair live.

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