My girls aren't sleeping in their coop


6 Years
Jul 24, 2015
Hello, I see there have been similar questions but I have a slightly different question.
I have 3 birds. One is 6.5 and the other two are 1.5 years old. They all get along well and the older bird is quite happy to be the top bird in seniority. The old coop (a kit I bought) got worn out so I replaced it with a sturdier one and the girls were fine with it. They adjusted right away. Hallelujah! But when the weather got really hot they decided they would rather sleep on the railing of my deck. They walk up a full flight of stairs so they can sleep on the deck. Kansas gets pretty hot in the summer. They still lay eggs in the coop. This is my curiosity question ... Will they start sleeping in the coop again on their own when the weather cools off? Or am I going to be carrying birds to the coop at night?
Two of them are already molting but I don't know if that makes a difference here.
Thank you, Susan
You are right to be concerned. Chickens are creatures of habit, and they could be developing a habit that may be hard to break. Not only that, but chickens are vulnerable sleeping out in the open. Once a predator just happening by notices the chickens, you could start losing them.

It would be best to discover why your chickens don't want to sleep in their coop. The best way to discover this is to trot yourself down to the coop after dark and see what is going on in there.

It may be hot and stifling if there is inadequate ventilation. In winter, this may translate into frostbite due to water vapor from their respirations not being exhausted properly.

There may be coop mites or other parasites, maybe rodents. Chickens won't sleep in a coop where there are other tenants.
Mine did this too all summer long-they slept on the top of it and I had to put them in every night. I think they were too hot. One night i left them out and a raccoon nearly got them. We had to get a new coop honestly. You might be able to make some modifications to improve ventilation and then keep them in the run or somehow make it so the railing is not an option at night and see if they adjust to it
I see no harm in allowing them to sleep on the railing temporarily. It is very easy to break this habit once the weather changes, they will move back after you move them. They obviously like the idea of moving higher, and they like being closer to the house. Their habit is related to the weather and even moon cycle. I don't see it as an unbreakable habit. I have chickens sleeping in my house above my bed, and when i no longer want them there, i move them to their roost and they get the hint after a couple times.

If you want to make their coop more appealing, maybe there are ways to fortify it with some enhanced features that will entice them to stay. Some bricks outside, some outdoor furniture around, etc.

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