My girls have stopped laying


Apr 8, 2017
I have 3 dominicker hens that are a year old. A week ago I switched them to an unmedicated feed. I was getting about 3 eggs every day and since Friday I've only gotten 2 eggs total. One Saturday and one Sunday. We did have a cool front come through but I'm worried something else is going on
They could be molting, not sure when that starts but normally there egg production stops for a little bit of time as they need lots of protein to grow new feathers. Also, depending on where you are, they need a certain amount of daylight to have high egg production (14 Hours), however, its April so I doubt that is an issue.
I am by no means an expert but the cold front may have something to do with it. My girls will stop laying if we go from a week of warm weather to a sudden dip in temperature. They are fine if the change is gradual but they go on strike with a 15-20 degree swing within 24 hours.
I have 3 dominicker hens that are a year old. A week ago I switched them to an unmedicated feed. I was getting about 3 eggs every day and since Friday I've only gotten 2 eggs total. One Saturday and one Sunday. We did have a cool front come through but I'm worried something else is going on

Could they be going broody or hiding their eggs? (That happens frequently.) Could a predator be stealing their eggs?
I have golf balls in their boxes so I doubt a predator is getting their eggs, I didn't know all 3 could go broody at the same time but I guess it could be that
I have 3 dominicker hens that are a year old. A week ago I switched them to an unmedicated feed. I was getting about 3 eggs every day and since Friday I've only gotten 2 eggs total. One Saturday and one Sunday. We did have a cool front come through but I'm worried something else is going on
I assume your are in the northern hemisphere(where it's spring) so molting is not a probability?

What exactly are the two feeds ...a change in nutrition can definitely have an affect on production.
I am by no means an expert but the cold front may have something to do with it. My girls will stop laying if we go from a week of warm weather to a sudden dip in temperature. They are fine if the change is gradual but they go on strike with a 15-20 degree swing within 24 hours.

I'm thinking that's what it is
I was using a chick feed because I also have 5 pullets that are 10 weeks old but when I learned that wasn't the best for the hens I switched

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