my goose incubation UPDATE all are hatched... pics of all 3 on pg13


11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Los Angeles CA
day 1: set 6 sebostable X sebostale x ebden mix eggs
day 4: candled for the first time and began misting, candling results, none viable
day 5: misted and candled, candling results, 1 viable
day 6: misted and candled, candling results 3 definite viable, 3 duds
day 7: misted and candled, candling results, same as day six
day 8: misted and candled, candling results, same as day six, cracked and threw away duds
day 9: misted and candled, candling results, 3 viable, veins growing!
day10: misted and candled, candling results, 3 viable.
day11: misted and candled, candling results, 3 viable and eggs getting darker!
day12: misted and candled, candling results, getting hard to see distinct shapes so im going to
buy a better light asap
day13: misted and didn't candle
day14: misted and candled, candling results, getting darker
day15: misted and didnt candle
day16: misted and did not candle
day17: misted and did not candle
day18: misted and candled, candling results, i think i saw a foot kicking! there was alot of movement in the eggs!
day19: misted and did not candle
day20: misted and did not candle
day21: misted and candled, candling results, air sacks are growing
day22: misted and candled, candling results, got a new flashlight, i can see much better the little ones are kicking and moving a
day23: misted and candled, candling results, all are moving and getting ready for friday!
day24: misted and did not candle
day25: misted and candled, candling results, saw and FELT movement.
day26: misted only
day27: misted only
day28: one has pipped!
day 29: two are pipped, hopefully one hatches tonight or later today
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im gunna be such a nerd when ( if
) these eggs are rocking and chirping lol
If you keep candling them every day you will get quitters. Every time you open the bator you let out humidity. Candling once a week is plenty good or open the bator just a crack and take a whiff. If anything smells then you can go and pick themup to smell them. I have lost 9 developed muscovy duck eggs to a bator error/low hum.
I take mine out and mist them and cool them too. Once they start to show devolpment I have never seen losses do to this.

Austin when are yours do to hatch. Mine will hatch between 2/25 and 2/28. I'm getting a lots of movement in the eggs.
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not until march 6th ( idk if i can wait that long
...... farmertank, do you have goose eggs or duck eggs, and can we get pics when they hatch?
yes they will be geese, 1/2 Embden-1/2 Toulouse. Yes I will post pics. I'm holding my breath, being only 2 I'm really hoping for 100% hatch.
So I talk to them and encourage them every time I'm misting them. Other than that I will just have to wait.

I think you understand lol

How's it going Austin?

I can see lots of devolpment this week. I have the shape of a baby and lots of movement. Thank goodness I work alot, This way I don't bite my nails so much in anticipation.
I'm and operations manager at a Fred's store so my schedule is a mess. But,
For some reason my boss gave me the 27th and 28th of Feb off
This should be the days they hatch. I hope so it will be fun to be home. I'm usually at work or sleeping when they hatch.

I have seen people with pics of the egg as it's devolping. I haven't been any good at getting a pic that shows up good. I wish I knew how to do it.
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I set mine on the 13th of this month...but at night, so I don't count that day.

So today (18th) they are four days old (until tonight when they'll be 5 days)

I am glad you post this because I have candled them and haven't seen anything today, I thought I saw something but its hard to tell because the light isn't bright enough and its not dark enough in here....I'm gonna wait until sunday though because I did seb's a couple years ago and I didn't get any because I was constantly candling them...but also because I had had duck eggs in there and that might have been a possibility. I am trying to leave these alone so I don't lose any but its so hard because I want to know if they are viable or not. Once I know, I think it'll be easier to stay out of them. Considering the price of sebastopol eggs, I'll experiment later on whether or not candling affects the hatch rate. Right now I just want to hatch these. I guess when I get some sebs and they lay eggs (that means no cost to me) I will run a mini-experiment and candle one incubator often and the other not but once every 10 days and see if it makes a difference. That would be interesting to know.

I like this post and I am going to keep up with it because I want to successfully hatch these....

so did all your seb's die?


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