My gravity-fed waterer

i no longer live in ohio, i now live in south carolina. my neighbor said it usually doesn't get cold enough to freeze water. he said to insulate the tubes, that is all i need to do. so we'll see how it works out.
We have a similar set up. But we use these:
We have one bucket per two pens with small black hosing running into the pen attached the the waterer. This method has worked awesome for us. We top up the main buckets outside the pens every couple days and the hens had no problems learning how to use the waters.

i really like those. i have seen them elsewhere but cost more. i'll wait to see if my setup works. i might try these.
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i really like those. i have seen them elsewhere but cost more. i'll wait to see if my setup works. i might try these.
Yes, i would actually recommend the smart poultry waterer ( it is on the same webpage as the other waterer but just didn't have as clear of view of it) because the hen ones tend to overflow more easily if the chickens are being aggressive.

Our only problem is we don't know what to do now that it is getting colder because this system wont work once the temperature drops enough that they freeze in the barn
well, the pvc pipe method kicked the bucket. the nipples popped out today. so my next project is the one i posted above. i thought of it after i built this one. hopefully it'll work this time! wish me luck!
Sorry for the delay ! Here are some pictures!

buckets mounted outside the pens on a little wooden self. those are the outside access to the nest boxes for two pens

Here you can see the hose running from the bucket to the waterer

close up of my waterer

close up of attachment from bucket to hose

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