My great adventure


Got The Blues
14 Years
Nov 22, 2007
My Coop
My Coop
Well, I went up to the chicken show up at Lake City today. I felt like I stepped back about 30 years. I pulled up to the Fairgrounds, and they have a smallish flea market. I moseyed around (bought some oranges, tomatoes, and onions)...thinking, geez, I dont even hear any chickens, I must be in the wrong place....when I heard a er er er ERRRRR......

So I followed that sound to a long building, and boy did I hear chicken talk. I walked in the building....WOW!!!! rows after rows after rows of chickens, geese, ducks even some rabbits. I walked up and down the rows just gazing at all the different breeds. Seemed to be mostly bantys, but there were some gorgeous standards....a white Rock rooster that was bigger than my friends hound dog! Then I walked out back and everyone was selling chickens out of the backs of their vehicles. It was so great!!!! (no I didnt buy anything, Im not set up yet).

The oddest chickens I saw were these tall skinny chickens (i forget their name, it was on their cage)....they almost looked like some teeny prehistoric chickens. Long long legs (skinny!) with a skinny body. Funny lookin!!

Had a great day!
It sounds like it would be a fun afternoon. I don't think I could be trusted though. I know I would become frenzied with want and I have to have it

Sounds like the perfect adventure. As I was reading your adventure I was hangning on every word and in fact I for a moment it seemed as though I was there with you. LOL......wish I had of been.
i hope the Inverness one will be neat. I am planning on gong to that one. The lake city one I did not know about and could not get away this weekend to go to. They sound like a lot of fun and a new adventure.
I moseyed around (bought some oranges, tomatoes, and onions)...thinking, geez, I dont even hear any chickens, I must be in the wrong place....when I heard a er er er ERRRRR......

I loved your post!! Made me smile, glad you had a great day, your descriptions are colorful and my favorite part was that you said "moseyed around"!!! Please post more of, you have a refreshing way of presenting your points, made my day!!

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