My Guinea won't shut up! Help!

Mine have really quieted down in last month (their a little over 4 1/2 months) More often than not, I'm having a harder time finding them when their out roaming, With the exception of a hawk or something unusual passing through and when they get separated (Darn woven fence line in the pasture).

But when they were couped up and when they were first let out in the yard, they just wouldn't shut up. I'd hear that noise in my head even when I wasn't around the yard.

Maybe it's time to let them free range. Expect a lot of noise at first when they are discovering everything though. My super noisy hen is named Calliope but I have no idea which one she is anymore.
Actually it`s the females that never shut up. I read that before I ever got guineas 6 years ago and, sure enough, one of the 4 I hatched out of shipped eggs was female and drove me crazy. I couldn`t stand to go into my chicken yard because of the noise this one bird made constantly. I gave her away. The 3 boys were a joy and my yard was reasonably peacefull. Sure the boys made noise, but NOTHING like that one female did. Get rid of her and hopefully you don`t have another in your flock that hasn`t found her voice yet. Good luck........Pop
They do quiet down after a while. Ours used to yell constantly, it seemed like. Now they only holler "just to holler" occasionally & briefly. These days, when they really yell we try to get out there right away because it means they saw something, usually a hawk.

You could definitely go ahead and find her a home or make soup if you're so inclined. Ours didn't get noticeably quieter until 6-8 months, maybe? It's hard to remember. It could be a long haul for you!

Note, window-closing weather is coming soon. Maybe that will help.

Good luck! Wish I were closer, I need more females.
They really do get quieter after 6 months-then more so after a year and they know what belongs and what doesn't. We had two eagles fighting yesterday and the guineas yelled like crazy-the chickens all hit the coop and no one was lost. It was a serious warning call rather than the usual chatter.
See, I love the guineas chattering. I find it endearing. Except when they yell. We take our dogs for a walk around the property every night, and every night we have the guineas following after us screaming because they think we are running away or something! LOL It's the LOUD ditditditditditdit sound they do that I hate. They do it at night when they all perch on the garage roof before they settle in for the night. LOL
;)Thanks for all the advice, we are letting them out of the coop for good this week-end. Fingers crossed
. I know I will have to endure the noise until they are used to being away from the chickens, only by the fence, but still far enough to make they cry. We are going to give this some more time before we do anything more drastic. I DO love to watch them! I just wish she was not so CONSTANT!
Seems like there is always one who is the yeller. We had our yeller go homicidal last winter on one of the other guinea girls, so she became part of Christmas Dinner. (Roasted under bacon, YUM!)

Well, the one she'd been picking on so bad took up where she left off, becoming the yeller! Now we've hatched three more guinea babies, all girls, and they're nearly grown now and one of them has taken up the yelling torch and the old one that was always yelling has quieted down. There must be some purpose to it, since it seems nearly every flock has one whose sole purpose in life seems to be yelling.

They have been much quieter the older they get. Our older ones are 1 1/2 years old now.

We're going to raise a bunch more next year. They are tasty tasty tasty! Very easy to process, too, as they don't have many feathers and are quick to pluck. Since they don't have much fat on them at all, wrapping them in raw bacon before roasting them makes them just right in the juiciness department, plus then you've got crispy bacon to eat with them too. All this info is just in case you decide to process your loudmouth.

Hope she quiets down when you free range them.
Nothing has shut mine up permanantly, but to shut her up for a spell I sing to her. Been singing to them since they were hatchlings in a box. I have modified the soft kitty song from The Big Bang Theory but anything should work.. This works when they get upset too. Birds communicate through song. They are getting quieter these days. I also have established dominance to stop the 2 males from fighting which may be why it works. She may think it is my buckwheat song.
Hello I hvae 20 plus Guinea Fowl up at the barn. I hear them at EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY AND NIGHT. In the past year, they have really been quiet compared to the first couple that I had them. I think they get used to their surroundings and know what to expect throughout the day and night.

If you do not have LOTS OF ROOM for them they tend to get cranky though. This may be some of your problem. OTHERWISE LOL and join the club.

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