My guineas are deathly afraid of me.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 8, 2014
Strafford, NH
Does anyone have any tips on taming guineas? Mine are about 4 weeks old and deathly afraid of me. When I open the door to the coop to tend to their food and water, they pile into the corners and freak out. I bought some white millet but they are completely scared of me so they do not even pay the treat any mind.
I'm afraid once I let them out in another month or so, this will affect whether or not they will come "home" on a nightly basis. Any tips or advice? Is this normal? I am a first time guinea owner so any advice is appreciated.
Does anyone have any tips on taming guineas? Mine are about 4 weeks old and deathly afraid of me. When I open the door to the coop to tend to their food and water, they pile into the corners and freak out. I bought some white millet but they are completely scared of me so they do not even pay the treat any mind.
I'm afraid once I let them out in another month or so, this will affect whether or not they will come "home" on a nightly basis. Any tips or advice? Is this normal? I am a first time guinea owner so any advice is appreciated.
I have five two week old keets and i have been holding them almost everyday and they come up to me for treats out of my hand, try holding them for 5 min a day each and see if that helps and make sure you stay patient and talk in a calming and kind voice it should work for you.
My keeps were the same way when they were younger. I stopped handling them because it seemed to make them more unhappy. Now at 12 weeks they think I'm their mommy. Lol. They love to come over and interact.
My older keets, which I think I paid more attention to when younger, come right up to me and eat out of my hand. My younger ones are deathly afraid of me and will go nuts trying to get in corner as far away from me as possible. I'm going start handling younger ones more and hopefully they come around.
We handled a few of ours daily for the first 3-4 days. Now at 2 weeks they nut up and run wild when 'the hand' comes into the brooder. Going to go back to trying to handle a few of them daily. I swear I'd paint a claw on each one so I could know who was and wasn't handled. The only way we can tell any difference is that we have some keets born exactly 2 weeks ago and a few born a couple days earlier -- size difference is obvious.
Handle them more often and provide treats. Let them have at the millet on their own and then after they realize they love it (they really do my guineas go crazy over bird seed) they will be forced to come and eat from your hands. Also sit in the coop with them for an hour everyday just reading or something. Dont move a lot and just sit with them. They will eventually succumb to your presence and thats when you handle them more. I always handle my brooder raised guineas and they are always tame but the ones that the mother guineas raise are always skittish. They love watermelon or melons of all kinds, tomatoes, grapes, strawberries, and leafy greens. Mine love parsley and cilantro stalks.
Mine are still in brood box - quickly outgrowing it to be sure. I picked one up last night and I don't know who was having the most anxiety - me or the keet. I did have it wrapped in a towel -- will they attempt to eat when being picked up for handling? Of course I don't know who I handled but will make another attempt today - suggestions? they are 16 days old
I am bran spankin new at this too and I handled them for 1st wk or so that I had them (have 5 that were 4-5 wks when bought) and they would freak but boy, they, when left to their own decision come right out when I call them (here babies) and love salad mix when I offer and aren't scared to voice their hellos n goodnight peeps n crickets purrings! Mind you, this is all from out side but for some reason they feel very comfy w my 'hi babies' etc call n react. Though it doesnt work w the hubby n 3 boys n 3 golden retrievers! Mama only!
They are now 7-8 wks old. Have had them for 3 wks and got them specifically for ticks as o was diagnosed w Lymes dearest 2 months ago. Well not fair, I've always loved birds, I save n foster baby wild birds as people need, total accidental occupation there but thats another story!! ;)p

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