My guineas will not fly...


5 Years
Nov 3, 2014
I have two keets that seem to love being on the ground and do not want to fly. At night, they won't even fly up onto the roosting bar. These two are like teenage children, want their food brought to them instead of looking for it themselves! We have a coop with a dutch door so every morning I open the top portion while the bottom is closed so they have some security when inside. My older birds know to fly over to get out or in but these two have not figured it out. This is the strangest thing ~ any ideas on what I can do? I want them safe when they are free ranging. Thanks for your help!
I have one that is 17 weeks old and it is the same as you describe. It was the last one to hatch and very late. I don't think mine is mentally all there. I feed mine a treat of mealworms in the morning while whistling the This Old Man song and they come running except her. She seems to not register what is going on. She will eventually come over and watch them but not eat. When they are all gathered at the feed tray she will eat but first watches.
She hasn't figured out how to fly even on the very low perch that I still have in there because of her. The others will be on the high one and she will start crying because she is alone. One or two will fly down and perch on the low one while she lays on the ground right next to them.
I have one that is 17 weeks old and it is the same as you describe. It was the last one to hatch and very late. I don't think mine is mentally all there. I feed mine a treat of mealworms in the morning while whistling the This Old Man song and they come running except her. She seems to not register what is going on. She will eventually come over and watch them but not eat. When they are all gathered at the feed tray she will eat but first watches.
She hasn't figured out how to fly even on the very low perch that I still have in there because of her. The others will be on the high one and she will start crying because she is alone. One or two will fly down and perch on the low one while she lays on the ground right next to them.
Yours sounds like it is exhibiting the signs of being the lowest one in the pecking order.

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