My hatchery

ok thank you all for the suggestions i will try to work on the grammer and spelling i type fast and have had trouble with spelling for years and im sorry about the music i have been trying to make the site more fun but
#1: im working on making this site for mostly georgia users so grammer and spelling arent my bigger worrys so i am sorry about not pleasing those that care. And i just started the site and i am working as fast as i can
#2 the crosses are being worked on the reason i dont have many for sale is becuase i just had some issues with a hawk, owl and bob cat that killed most ofd my flocks so for now im rebuilding my flocks
#3 the title was made when i had a ton of pure rares.
#4 i am the cheapest breeder in ga thats why i called my self the top.
#5 i am having to work with the ee's the colors are turning out idk what i have been working with the chicks. so i done beleive they are my ees idk about what one of my breeds they are.
#6i just copied the posts about mcmurray i found on here i dident want to dog on them i used to buy from them a long time ago.
Why do that? C'mon guys give him a break... He's trying to get a little business going and why tell him no? He asked you to critique it and not to tell him he shouldn't sell chicks anymore. I don't care about grammar either buddy. Plus some of you are spelling things wrong in your own posts! Here is my critique, I'm at least going to be nice about it... Take down the music, explain your mix breed layers and then fix the breed names. After that you're good to go bubba.
I will give it 2 stars as is, I have seen much worse, but ya can't blame a guy for trying.

im saying for internet buying start off slow and gradually get bigger as in selling chicks online that is what i would do and that is what i am suggesting
My Biggest thing is make sure you have the appropriate paperwork, as soon as you start calling yourself you open alot of doors that could slam you in the butt if your not carefull!

Secondly, Grammar is a big thing! It's not easy (i suck at grammar) but if you are trying to have a business I don't care WHERE you are, grammar and spelling is a HUGE thing! Secondly your layout and navigation of the page is really really confusing and not simple. Your going to want to add some more pictures to the front page and don't use something that looks so 'stock' for your layout. You can do lots of things with freewebs once you figure it out!

I feel my website is pretty good even though it's a work in progress, maybe this will give you some ideas.


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