My hen didn't lay an egg today

Unfortunately yes. It will get more regular with time, although it might be sketchy through the winter. Most of my girls seem to be on a lay 3 days take a day off routine right now.
my RIR BANTAMS usually only lay every other day. Sometimes they will lay everyday, but not very often.
yes this is perfectly normal. Often times when a pullet has just started laying the will take it easy for the first couple of weeks. The eggs start out small and gradually grow bigger as time moves by. In a couple of weeks your hen will pick up the pace.
(how often they lay also depends on the breed of chicken(s) you have)
I have 5 barred rocks. We got our 1st egg almost 3 weeks ago. I've only seen 1 hen in the nest box laying but one of the other hens will go in there at night to sleep sometimes. We've only gotten 1 egg per day and she's missed maybe 3 days in the past 2 1/2 weeks. Is it likely that more than 1 hen is laying and just by chance they hit different days? Of the 5 I think 3 look like they are ready but 2 don't look as mature. I got them when they were 20 weeks old in early September. They're all healthy and seem happy. I keep thinking, "One of these days there's going to be more than 1 egg per day." Am I being too impatient?
One of my EEger hens (I have 3) laid her first egg after being attacked by my dh dog. Anyways she was in the recovery coop when she laid it(Which is just a good word for an unused duck coop
since the ducks sleep with the hens.
) Anyways is there a certain amount of time should I expect her to lay her next egg? My other hens have started squatting how soon before they all be on the same egg laying schedule?
Well I knew it wouldn't be long before we had 2 eggs in one day. Nov. 11th my granddaughter found egg #2 for the day. Whhhooooo Hoooo! Two of the 5 are now laying.
Well there's a good possibility we have a 3rd hen laying. We found a small egg in the run on the ground. Although there were still only 2 eggs today one of the others may have skipped. This one is smaller than all the others I've gotten.
My girls, RIR, BR, Golden Buff and Specked Sussex are 21 weeks 3 days old. MY RIR laid her first egg this morning at 6:30am.
I was going crazy waiting, thinking I have done something wrong. Everyone on the forum has helped me with answers to my questions and I am so grateful to you all. Proud to FINALLY say: We got our FIRST EGG !

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